Saturday, July 15, 2006

Gathering for Altar servers builds fellowship, strengthens faith

Tegal, Indonesia (UCAN) -- Altar boys and girls serving in coastal parishes of a Central Java diocese found fellowship and spiritual enrichment at a recent gathering held especially for them.

About 450 altar servers from six parishes of Purwokerto diocese's North Deanery took part in the Grand Gathering of Altar Boys and Girls. It was held June 25 in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church compound in Tegal, capital of Tegal district in Central Java province, 270 kilometers east of Jakarta.

Organized by the deanery's subcommission for liturgy, the gathering, the fourth of its kind, had the theme Promoting Creativity and Service.

Father Antonius Ary Setiawan, moderator of the subcommission, told UCA News after the gathering, "Altar servers are part of the Church, and this gathering aims to build friendship among them and to develop their creativity, skills and knowledge of their service."

He said the triennial event also is a good opportunity for young Catholics living in these coastal parishes to interact with one another.

Many children from these areas come from wealthy families, and living a relatively comfortable lifestyle could make them individualistic, he noted. But by becoming altar servers, "they learn to appreciate work and to care about others, and they get regular spiritual guidance." The gathering, he added, also helps provide a peer support group for them.

Frans de Sales Yuda Kusyanto, an 11-year-old altar boy from St. Luke Church in Pemalang, told UCA News the event helped build friendship among the altar servers. "I am happy to meet many other altar boys and girls," said Kusyanto, who became an altar boy this year.

He recalled being scolded by a priest for making a mistake during a service, but added that such an experience would not stop him from serving at Mass. "Being an altar boy brings me closer to God," he said.

Chaterine Maria Margareta, 10, said the gathering strengthened her faith. The altar girl from St. Joseph Mission Station told UCA News she also was happy that she made 15 new friends. Her mission station comes under Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Tegal. She became an altar girl about 18 months ago with her parents' support, she said, adding that her three siblings also are altar servers.

According to Mariada Mei Novalia Sirait, a 21-year-old animator and former altar server from Mary Immaculate Church in Slawi, "The spiritual growth of children who become altar boys or girls is better" than with other children.

The June gathering also included lectures, games and competitions, opened with a kuda lumping (leather horse) dance by several elementary school students. A Mass celebrated by Jesuit Bishop Julianus Sunarka of Purwokerto concluded the gathering. Father Setiawan and two other priests concelebrated.
More here:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cos w rodzaju polskich "Oazowcow" , fajnie ,popieram takie akcje.Wychowanie z zabawa.

3:08 AM  
Blogger VIVA said...

Masz racje.Rzeczywiscie jest to cos w rodzaju polskich Oazowcow :)

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Czesc :)
Z tymi oazowcami to byl/jest dobry pomysl.Powinni takie oazy organizowac we wszystkich krajach. A moze juz sa ,ale ja o tym nic nie wiem...humm... ;)
Jeszcze te dzieciaki powinny miec miedzynarodowe kontakty z innymi dziecimi ktore organizuja sie pzry kosciolach,mialyby wtedy frajde a przy tym poglebialaby sie ich wiara.

12:49 AM  

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