Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Join with today's persecuted church in one of the most unique Bible distribution programs of our generation.

"Remember those in bonds as bound with them." -Hebrews 13:3

What if you could help persecuted Christians reach out to their own communities?

What if you could deliver Bibles to restricted nations right from your own home?

What if you could help win to Christ those opposed to the gospel?

Now you can do all of the above with The Voice of the Martyrs' Bibles Unbound program!




Though Christianity once flourished in Egypt, Islam is now the religion of the vast majority. Open conversion to Christianity is all but impossible; still, a look throughout the country shows the Bible is consistently one of the most sought after books. Perhaps as many as 10 percent of Egyptians are Coptic Christians. However, these Christians, as well as converts who become a part of other Christian denominations, are fiercely repressed by the government and subject to attacks by Islamic militants.

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Persecution is harsh and repressive for ordinary Christians, but for those who seek to evangelize, the consequences can be even more severe. Evangelist Aiqing Zhu was sentenced to a 20-year prison term for witnessing for Jesus. Pastor Gong Shengliang, the founder of the South China Church, was beaten so severely he had to be hospitalized and is imprisoned under a sentence of death. These cases are only the tip of the iceberg, as Chinese Christians live their faith in an atmosphere of constant danger.

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About 81 percent of Colombians consider themselves Roman Catholic. “Christians” comprise about 10 percent, with around 3 percent specifying as “evangelical.” Marxist guerrilla groups persecute both Catholics and Protestants, demanding “war tax” money, kidnapping people, threatening missionaries and forcing Christian schools and churches to close. A cease and desist order for all evangelical pastors and churches was issued in the late 1990s, with the threat of harm if they continued to meet.

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